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Amount Pledged: $246,900
Amount Collected: $292,511
Live Beyond is an opportunity for our church family to give beyond normal tithes and offerings in order to fulfill our mission of sharing the hope
of Jesus with every person in the River Valley.
Cash or check is the preferred giving method for one-time gifts. Mail or submit your gift in-person in the provided envelope, or include “Live Beyond” in your check memo.
To give online, follow the link below and set up either a one-time or recurring gift.
We are motivated to Live Beyond because of real people that have been impacted by the ministry of Community Bible Church. Check out their stories!
We glorify God when we
fulfill His mission.
10% of all money raised will be invested back into our community to reach every person in every place.
Through your generosity, these are the local organizations we will support.
Scroll through these organizations to learn more.
Remodel Phase 1
Street to Seat
This is the phase we are currently raising money for. Once the money has been raised to complete phase 1, we will move on to phases 2 and 3.
What does Street to Seat include?
This phase will include updates to our exterior, lobby, and auditorium.
When will Street to Seat begin?
We will begin tackling different steps of this project as soon as the money comes in to complete each step.