Community Bible Church

You just found your community.

Who We Are

We are ONE church with THREE locations, united under ONE mission:
to impact Arkansas' River Valley for Jesus Christ.

Easter at Community

Gather with us Easter weekend to reflect on the death of Jesus and celebrate His resurrection!


East Fort Smith

9:00 & 10:30 AM


9:00 & 10:30 AM

North Fort Smith

10:30 AM

40 Days of Prayer

March 2 - April 20

Join us as a church family as we approach Easter with prayerful intention.

Your Next Step

Every journey starts with a step, and our spiritual journey is no different.  Let's find your next step!

Join a Group

CB Groups are intentional relational environments where people will grow as disciples of Jesus.

Serve on a Team

We believe that as our lives are transformed by Jesus, we are called to love others by serving them.

Live Beyond is an opportunity for our East Fort Smith church family to give beyond normal tithes and offerings in order to fulfill our mission of sharing the hope of Jesus with every person in the River Valley.

We believe that EVERYONE is made in the image of God and deserves to be KNOWN.

Upcoming Events

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