East Fort Smith Campus

Why We Exist

Community Students has one sole purpose, to help 6th - 12th grade students fall in love with Jesus and own their faith. In the process, they will also learn how to navigate life, make lasting friendships and change their world for the better. 

Ways To Get Involved

Wednesday Nights

WHERE:  The Venue                
WHEN:  6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHO:  6th - 12th Grade

We believe that students want to discover truth rather than just be told.  So instead of a sermon, we have a discussion around biblical truths so that students can be a part of the conversation and discover these truths for themselves.

We then split into smaller family groups to discuss how we can apply this truth to our lives.

Instagram: @cb_students   \\   Facebook: @cbstudents

Middle School Only

WHERE:  The Loft
WHEN: 10:30am
WHO:  6th - 8th Grade

MSO is a Sunday morning experience designed just for middle school students.
We love middle school students and believe that these are some of the most crucial years in a persons life. Therefore, we don’t take the responsibility of sharing biblical truths lightly. We create an environment where they can have fun, learn truth, make friends and discover who God created them to be.  .

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship groups connect 3-5 students with a leader to help them develop spiritual habits and grow in their faith.

Each week you will given things to study on your own and then will come together whenever and wherever your group decides to meet to discuss what you learned that week. Contact your small group leader or Chris Stacy if you are interested in joining a group.


CORE was created for students who want to step into leadership and designed to challenge you to use your gifts to serve the Kingdom, to grow in your relationship with Jesus and to learn to work as a team toward a common goal.

If you are interested, you can see what all it entails below and apply to join.

Summer Camp

This is, quite possibly, the best week of the year.  A time to get away, meet new friends and really focus on your relationship with Jesus.

There is something special that happens when we get away and intentionally seek Jesus at camp. If you were there last year, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Make this your top priority this summer and see what God will do in your life.

Spots are limited, so make sure you sign up below as soon as you can.  
When:  June 22 - 25  |  Current 6th - 8th Grade
Where:  Ouachita Baptist University
CAMP IS CURRENTLY SOLD OUT! Join the waitlist.
When:  June 25- 29 |  Current 9th - 12th Grade
Where:  Ouachita Baptist University
CAMP IS CURRENTLY SOLD OUT! Join the waitlist.

seek Jesus

the Bible Project

The Bible Project videos are short visual explanations that show how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. Check it out!

Right Now Media

Right Now Media is like the Netflix of Bible Studies and biblical teaching. Get your free account set up below and start exploring.

The Bible App

The Bible app is full of reading plans and scripture for just about anything you want to study. Or just start reading in John. I suggest the NLT version.